Thursday, August 26, 2010

what goes around, comes around.

Baby, I thought you do somebody wrong, its gonna get done to you..and you might think you have a way of playing me for a fool...but its coming right back to you.

thats how i feel today. I havent written in a few days.... ended up in the ER for heart problems and the doctor told me today...NOTHINGS WRONG that i had a lowsy week and it caught up with me.... um no I didnt. apparently im just crazy.  anyways.... PEOPLE listen up. noone likes to be "played" no matter if its friendships, relationships, family, etc.... noone and when you get hurt and decide to come back to the original person. THEY WONT BE THERE. 

I don't need people like that in my life. you cant be my friend one day and hate me the next. sorry thats not how it works. ANY relationship is like a full time job, you have to work at it, or your gonna get burned in the end. anyywayyys.....thats allll today :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Better to get ahead, than to be left behind.

Okay guys,
I went to Brit Lit this morning and she kept us for about 15 min and canceled class on thursday! She still gave us an assignment though! I have Chemistry Lab at After that I have to get started on my Psychology assignment and hopefully finish that since it's super easy... and get started on my reading for Brit Lit even though it's not due til Tuesday. I want to be done with homework! haha

ALSO! One of my favorite movies came out on DVD today.."THE LAST SONG" . I cannot wait to go buy it! Yes, I do like Miley Cyrus but even if you don't like her, this movie is a MUST see!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sometimes All YOU Need is Change.

Today, my chemistry teacher said something that has not left my mind yet..."Sometimes you have to rotate people out of your whats best for YOUR future...even if it means your best supporters call you selfish."
I guess sometimes being selfish is what it takes in this world. I need to leave some people behind and let other people in because some of the people in my life now bring nothing but negativity and trouble.
I have a little trouble with change sometimes, but it is something that HAS to happen. It's not an option anymore, it's a priority. Why? Because I am not happy with the way things have been/are going.

I always get the bad end of the deal, which means I put everyone else before myself, and yes, sometimes that is okay because it means I care about the people in my life. But at the same time, I deserve the best too.
The only people in my life that I feel are stable, is my family. I know they will always be there for me, but I can't talk to them about everything. I need a trustworthy, good, dependable friend to rely on sometimes too. I have always been an independent girl who doesn't need anyone else to make me happy, but I can feel that changing. I can't be alone all my life. That's not a very good or happy anyones eyes.