Tuesday, December 21, 2010

if it wasnt for boys like you....

there wouldnt be songs like this. i love me some carrie underwood and this is how i feel at the moment. this will be my venting blog  :) dont act like you like me and what not, then not talk to me. thats stupid on your part and makes you look like an asshole. oh wait you are one. i am going to look at it though as you just werent right for me... maybe one day ill find someone worth my time.

i started a gym tonight :) yayyy!!! i cant wait to start working out.. TOMORROW. im gonna get goood work outs in from now on. my new years resolution is going to be to lose 15 lbs and get back to my old body, dye my hair back platinum blonde..and get real real tan :) i wanna be sexy from now on.

ive been having these migraines that make me real real nauseas here lately, idk what is going on but i hope they go away soon because i do NOT have time for these haha CHRISTMAS is in 4 days..almost 3 and im super excited. i dont think ive been this excited in a long time about christmas. been trying to get into the christmas spirit, so thursday me and mom are gonna bake christmas cookies,and get the house smelling like christmas time, were going to shelby farms to see starry nights...its 20 bucks a car..but its supposed to be really good. the botanical gardens is supposed to be having something neat too.

thats alllll for now :)

Saturday, December 18, 2010


okayyy so ive been off of this for quite a while now. been so busy with school and work here lately!! and now thats its christmas time im working up to 30+ hours a week!
anyyyyways a lot has happened, but not too much worth updating you on. met a cuteee boy,  but story of my life, i doubt it works out. i just dont have good luck with romance...or anything else for that fact, but i try and make the best of what i do have.  :) i have some pretty great co workers even if i hate my job sometimes! and i have a few good friends and of course the BEST family anyone could ever ask for.

hm lets see... im pretty much obsessed with carrie underwood and jason aldean these days. cant be too sure why but man oh man do i love to sing along with their songs :) haha. Carrie Underwood has a song for every single situation and Jason Aldean just has the perfect songs for anytime!!

My Skyylar baby has been such a good boy here lately, his christmas picture didnt turn out too well, but we are going to get a new one made tuesday night! cant wait. he has grown up so much. Skyylar is pretty much the light of my life and I cant imagine living without him....ever. he is irreplaceable. My Sophie buttons is growing up too, she is becoming pretty mean though...maybe thats the doberman in her. We are training though so hopefully things will start changing soon, because i absolutely love her too!!

Okayyy well, I'm done for now...promise to start blogging again soon, it helps me relieve stress :) haha